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FDP on 'Research Trends and Methodologies in Machine Learning' organized at Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering


Pune:Faculty Development Programme(FDP) on 'Research Trends and Methodologies in Machine Learning' was organized at Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering,Pune.Kanchan Bhonde( Assistant Vice President, Tech Mahindra),Nikhil Malhotra(Chief Innovation Officer, TechMahindra) inaugurated this week long FDP.Dr. Vidula Sohoni(Principal, BV(DU)COE),Dr. Sashank Joshi(Dean, Engineering and Technology, BV(DU)COE), Dr. Sandeep Vanjale(Head of IT Department), Dr. Rohini Jadhav(co-ordinator, FDP), Prashant Chavan(coordinator, FDP) were present.

Mrs. Kanchan Bhonde said,'In order to acquire new knowledge or skills, one may need to let go of or challenge previously held beliefs, assumptions, or habits that may no longer be relevant or accurate. She continued saying, unlearning is not about erasing all your previous knowledge or experiences. She further said, it's about being willing to critically examine what you know, be open to change, and adapt as needed'. 'It is a crucial step in personal and professional development ',she said, and to exemplify this she narrated the initial works at Maker’s Lab. She shared many interesting technical examples of her journey and projects with Maker’s Lab and stressed how it's important to strike a balance between retaining valuable knowledge and being open to new insights and perspectives. She concluded by saying that global communication allows for the sharing of best practices and successful strategies from one region or organization to others facing similar challenges and thus can save time and resources by avoiding the need to reinvent the wheel.

Mr. Nikhil Malhotra said, 'Everyone has to be well read and must inculcate a habit of reading as well as coding, since only reading is not sufficient. He gave many examples of current research going on in the field of Artificial Intelligence and machine Learning with their prerequisites for students if they have to enter into industry for similar interests. He said that the collaboration between industry and academia brings together the strengths and resources of both sectors, creating a synergy that can drive research, innovation, economic growth, and societal progress. Hence, it's a win-win scenario where the expertise and goals of each sector complement and enhance the other and such FDPs are an excellent way to achieve it, he quoted. He concluded his talk saying that there is a staggering difference in, amounting to thousands, between India and other countries of the world and researchers and students should come forward to publish and disseminate their innovative work.

Dr. Vidula Sohoni, Principal, BV(DU)COE, informed the gathering about the rankings, awards and achievements of the institute. She also said, BV(DU)COE organizes such FDPs like these with a focus to increase the industry institute interaction, enhance the research attributes and percolate the latest trends to students through the faculty. 

Dr. Rohini jadhav informed the audience that there the FDP consists of 10 sessions of expert speakers from industry and academia out of which 6  sessions are hands-on training and one day there shall be an industrial visit to Maker’s Lab, Tech Mahindra for additional insights to current research on Machine Learning. Dr. Sandeep Vanjale, Head of IT department, presented a brief overview of the IT department.  Prashant Chavan Proposed the vote of thanks. 


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