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AESA Life time Achievement Award to G.K.Kanhere and Satish Marathe


Pune: 'Architects,Engineers and Surveyors' association (AESA) has announced its annual Lifetime  Achievement Awards . Eminent Academician Architect Prof.G.K.Kanhere and Structural Engineer Satish Marathe are to be honoured with AESA Lifetime Achievement Award this year.These awards will be conferred at hands of R.B.Suryavanshi(Senior Chief Executive,B.G.Shirke Construction Technology Pvt.Ltd.) and J.P.Shroff(Chairman,Shroff Group) in a function organised at PYC Hindu Gymkhana Terrace , 13th January 2024,Saturday,at 6pm .

Parag Lakade(President,AESA), Rajiv Raje(Vice President,AESA ),Mahesh Bangad(Chairman,AESA) ,Sanjay Tasgaonkar(Honorary Secretary,AESA) announced these awards through a press release.

 This award ceremony is graciously supported by the 'Solitaire Group '.This is the 17th year of these awards which comprises Trophy, Special Citation. Each year AESA honors one senior Architect and one senior Engineer who have contributed for their respective sector.

 54 years of AESA 

AESA - The Architects, Engineers and Surveyors Association of Pune is a unique body constituted 54 years ago in 1970 because of  a growing need for all professionals in the construction industry to come together and join hands for the betterment of our City.As a voluntary, non-profit organisation, AESA is actively engaged in promotion of  quality and excellence in building construction industry by encouraging good and ethical practices for Architects and Engineers on one side, while contributing to a better Pune by active involvement in social and civic issues of our City. All activities are carried out primarily through members subscriptions and voluntary sponsorships of Awards and 

programmes from a few generous philanthropists, and occasional financial support from manufacturers, traders, distributors and corporate establishments as a social and civic responsibility contribution for the betterment of our city.

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