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Ensavior collaborates with ishrae & igbc on sustainability and decarbonization


Pune :  In a groundbreaking collaboration by Ensavior and Arklite to organize an enlightening event with ISHRAE Pune Chapter and the IGBC Pune Chapter with more than 200+ participants at PYC Gymkhana, Deccan, Pune on ‘Energy Efficiency, Fresh Air, Sustainability, and Decarbonization’. 

Mr. Dinesh Semwal, M D Ensavior, Mr. Vikram Bapat, MD Arklite, Mr. Nandkishore Kotkar, President ISHRAE Pune, Mr. J P Shroff, Chairman IGBC Pune and IPP Mr. Virendra Borade welcomed the participants along with event convenor Dr Anshul Gujarathi, Sustainability Chair, ISHRAE Pune and IGBC Fellow. 

Mr. Ashish Rakheja, National Technical Chair IGBC, was the Keynote speaker, along with Mr. Hrishikesh Manjrekar, Executive Director, Amar Builders, Ms. Amruta Katpelwar from IGBC Secretariat Hyderabad. The panel discussion was moderated by Dr Poorva Keskar and the experts delved into innovative solutions for reducing carbon emissions, and increasing energy efficiency with a focus on the role of green building practices and sustainable design in achieving decarbonization goals.

The event addressed the pressing issues of indoor air quality, climate change, and sustainable practices in the built environment. The latest technologies, strategies, and best practices in the field were presented by Ms. Ambily Menon, Ensavior, Dr Avinash, Arklite, Mr. Marc Techen, MD, Flowcon, Mr, Vivek Joshi, Flowcon, Mr. Shannkar, and Mr Anant from Ensavior. By bringing together experts, professionals, and stakeholders from the industry, the event sparked conversations, knowledge sharing, and fostered collaboration towards a healthier and more sustainable future.

The event was well supported by members of ISHRAE, IGBC and AESA and shed light on the critical need for decarbonization in the HVAC and built environment sectors. 

"We are delighted to partner with ISHRAE & IGBC to host this event, which brings together thought leaders and industry experts to drive positive change in the built environment," said Mr. Dinesh Semwal from Ensavior.

“The event promised to be a turning point in the collective efforts toward creating healthier, more sustainable buildings and communities,” highlighted Dr Anshul Gujarathi from ISHRAE Pune Chapter. 

Immediate Past President Mr Virendra Borade appealed all the participants to join dynamic and vibrant ISHRAE Pune Chapter and to be part of the esteemed community for various networking opportunities, continuous learning, professional development and leadership opportunities.

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