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Covid vaccine causes turbo cancer and heart attack!; Foreign medical experts claims (VIDEO)


India: The discussion of the anti-covid vaccine and its side effects has started once again on social media. And it's shocking to everyone who gets the vaccine. Due to this vaccine, serious diseases such as sudden cardiac arrest and death and cancer in young people were being discussed so far. However, now the videos of the two doctors circulating on social media are causing an open debate.

One of these is from Dr. William Mackis, head of oncology for a wellness company in Canada. He is a radiologist, oncologist, cancer researcher, author of more than 100 research papers.

The second video is by Dr. Philip Buckholts, a cancer genomics expert. He is a professor at the University of South Carolina. Here is a video of him giving information about this in front of the South Carolina Senate, both of these videos are shocking.

Dr. William Mackis says in his video, 'We have public health officials admitting that yes, covid vaccines can cause myocarditis, which can cause blood clots. Finally, the AstraZeneca and J&J Covid-19 vaccines have been withdrawn from the market for blood clots. Now, of course, they tell us that such cases are rare, and in the case of myocarditis they say they are benign. And we're seeing what they say is not true, young people are suddenly having heart attacks. They are collapsing on the field, at school, playing basketball, football. Some are dying in their sleep. And of course, all this is denied by the health authorities. But there is at least one thing that has been acknowledged that covid vaccines can cause myocarditis and blood clots. Not so with cancer. And the cancers I've seen since the covid vaccination are very different from anything I've seen in my career. And I have diagnosed thousands of cancers in my career with CT, PET CT, MRI. And I have never seen cancer like this. These cancers, they are appearing in young people, teenagers, people in their 20s, 30s, 40s. And they seem to be at the end. So they usually appear at stage three or stage four. They grow very fast. Another characteristic of these cancers is that they seem to be unresponsive to conventional chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Hence these cancers were called turbo cancers. Turbo cancer is a term not used in medical practice. Because, it is a brand new phenomenon. Doctors are being discouraged from admitting the existence of this turbo cancer. And being threatened.'

Dr. Philip Buckholts researches cancer genomics at the University of South Carolina. The covid test was developed in his laboratory. Talking about Pfizer's vaccine, he said, Pfizer's vaccine is contaminated with plasma DNA. It's not just mRNA. It contains fragments of DNA. This DNA is a DNA vector. I think this DNA can cause some rare but serious side effects like death from heart attack. There are many cases of people dying suspiciously after vaccination. It is difficult to prove what caused this. It can interfere with tumor suppressors or activate oncogenes.' His video is about half an hour long. Links to both these videos are given here.

Important: In all this commotion, some media have published that Pfizer has invested heavily in the development of cancer drugs

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